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Title: Organization Act of the Bureau of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development,Ministry of Culture Ch
Date: 2011.06.29
Legislative: Promulgated by Presidential Decree Hua Zong (1)Yi No. 10000135141 on June 29, 2011
Content: Article 1
The Ministry of Culture shall establish the Bureau of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development (hereinafter referred to as the Bureau) to administer governmental affairs pertaining to the film, radio, television, and popular music industries.

Article 2
The Bureau shall be charged with the following matters: 
(1)    Drafting and explanation of regulations concerning provision of assistance and guidance, as well as awards and incentives, to encourage development of the film, radio, television, popular music, and associated popular-culture content industries. 
(2)    Conduct of surveys and research on trends relating to the film, radio, television, popular music, and associated popular-culture content industries. 
(3)    Provision of assistance and guidance, as well as awards and incentives, to film, radio, television, popular music, and associated popular-culture content enterprises, as well as to related individuals.
(4)    Provision of assistance and guidance concerning the preservation and promotion of use and reuse of film, radio and television programs, and popular music recordings.
(5)    Oversight of the operations of motion picture-related enterprises and of radio and television program content providers.
(6)    Administration of the nation’s viewer rating system for motion pictures and video programs.
(7)    Oversight of importation into Taiwan of motion pictures, radio and television programs, video programs, and popular music audio recordings from mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau.
(8)    Promotion and implementation of international exchange programs concerning film, radio and television programs, and popular music recordings.
(9)    Other affairs concerning assistance and guidance, awards and incentives, and oversight pertaining to the film, radio, television, popular music, and associated popular-culture content industries. 

Article 3
Bureau staff shall include one director of Grade 13 Senior Civil Service rank, and two deputy directors of Grade 12 Senior Civil Service rank. If deemed necessary, one of the deputy directorships may be filled by a specially recruited person with the equivalent of professor-status qualification.

Article 4
Bureau staff shall include one chief secretary of Grade 11 Senior Civil Service rank.

Article 5
Other Bureau positions and personnel quotas shall be separately set out by an organization chart.

Article 6
This Act shall come into force on the date ordered by the Executive Yuan.