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Title: Ministry of Culture Directions on Implementing the Youth Village Culture Development Project Ch
Date: 2019.08.08
Legislative: Announced on August 8,2019
Content: I.    These Guidelines have been drafted by the Ministry of Culture to encourage young people to implement projects that bring civic culture to life. Such projects are to address issues and challenges in culture, society, the environment, and the economy by applying local knowledge and creating social networks that bring together village cultures, create supportive communities, and create new cultural value.

II.    Qualifications
1.    Domestic nationals or foreign nationals who are between the age of 20 and 45 are entitled to submit a proposal in their individual name(s).
2.    The domestic national specified in the preceding paragraph means a natural person who has an ID card of the Republic of China.  The foreign national means a person who is in possession of a resident certificate issued by the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) issued by the National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior.  The application documents submitted by the above persons must include the relevant certificate(s).  However, persons from China, Hong Kong, or Macau shall be excluded from this project.

III.    Period of implementation: In principle, from the date of approval to completion before November 30 of the fiscal year.

IV.    Award amount: 
Those who have passed the evaluation and are entitled to receive the award may be awarded a maximum amount of NT$1 million. (However, the actual amount of the award will be determined during the review.)

V.    Evaluation criteria, procedures, announcement of results, and recusals:
1.    Evaluation criteria:
a.    Mastery of the issues, concreteness and feasibility of the content, and innovativeness;
b.    Mastery of local knowledge and culture, as well the community participation mechanism (down-to-earth);
c.    Personal growth and leadership shown in the plan;
d.    Sustainable development potential; and
e.    Social impact.
2.    Three stages of evaluation: eligibility confirmation, initial review, and final review:
a.    Eligibility confirmation: The MOC will review documents submitted     by the applicant. Where information is found to be missing or inaccurate, the applicant will be notified of a deadline by which missing information must be submitted to the MOC. Applicants who fail to do so by the deadline will be declared ineligible.
b.    Initial review: Following eligibility confirmation, representatives of the MOC and scholars and experts invited for the purpose shall form a review panel, which will review submitted documents. Applicants who pass this first review shall move on to the final review.
c.    Final review: The MOC will convene the review panel to consider candidates. Applicants reaching this stage will deliver a presentation before the panel. The MOC will conduct onsite reviews when deemed necessary. The recommendations of the panel will be reviewed and approved of by the Minister or the Minister’s designee. Where needed, applicants will be directed by the panel to furnish a revised plan within a specified timeframe, which will be reviewed at a subsequent panel meeting.
3.    Results: After the final review has been approved, the results, as well as the names of all reviewers, will be published on the MOC’s website; award recipients will be notified in writing.
4.    Recusal: To ensure fairness and secrecy, individuals involved shall agree to keep secret the information that comes before them, recuse themselves where necessary, and abide by the terms of Articles 32 and 33 the Administrative Procedure Act.

VI.    Remittance: In principle, award monies shall be remitted in four stages based on progress made on the plan. However, where progress or other reasons necessitate, payment need not be made in stages.
1.    First stage: A receipt for first-stage payment; a pledge to execute the project; a copyright authorization; and, for foreign recipients, a copy of the residency permit (the expiration date of the permit must be later than the project completion date) are to be forwarded to the MOC which, after confirming that the information provided is correct, will remit ten (10) percent of the award money.
2.    Second stage: Within one month of receiving notification from the MOC, a receipt for second-stage payment and a revised plan (including a chart comparing the original to the revised plan) are to be forwarded to the MOC which, after confirming that the information provided is correct, will remit twenty (20) percent of the award money.
3.    Third stage: Where work completed at this point equals or exceeds one half of that contracted, a progress report (including its electronic file) and a receipt for third-stage payment are to be remitted to the MOC which, after confirming that the information provided is correct, will remit forty (40) percent of the award money.
4.    Fourth stage: Where all work has been completed at this point, a written report on the implementation results of the entire project (including its electronic file), a consent letter of copyright authorization and a receipt for fourth-stage payment shall be submitted to the MOC within one month after the end of the period of execution.  The final thirty (30) percent of the award will be remitted after these documents have been reviewed and approved of by the MOC.

VII. How to apply and application period:
A.    In principle, applications will be accepted once a year, and the frequency of application may increase depending on the situation. The proposal date for the applications will be announced separately by the MOC. In this case, the applicant shall apply online (the website of the Awards Support System of the MOC:, and the applicant shall fill in the relevant application form during the proposal period of the online registration system.
B.    After submitting the application online, print it out, sign it, and mail it or deliver it in person (including the applicant's authorization for others to deliver it, such as courier and express delivery, etc.) to the MOC’s Department of Cultural Resources.  If the applicant submits it by registered postal mail, whether it was submitted on time or not shall be determined by the postmark. The applicant shall mail it to the MOC’s Department of Cultural Resources (at 13F, South Building, 439 Zhongping Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City, and the envelope shall be marked to the “Application of the Youth Village Culture Development Project”.) If the applicant delivers it in person, the application shall be delivered during the office hour of the MOC (which is 9:00 am to 6:00 pm).  Whether it has been delivered on time or not shall be determined by the "Received" chop.
C.    The documents attached by the applicant will not be returned regardless of whether or not they are accepted or rewarded.

VIII.    During the period of project implementation, the following shall be undertaken in compliance with the MOC:
1. Involvement and accompaniment mechanism:
a.    In compliance with visits by the MOC and its appointed accompanying mentor, award recipients shall personally (or designate major project implementation personnel to) undertake work reports and provide pertinent information; and shall participate in review meetings, exchange workshops or exhibitions of achievements held by the MOC from time to time.  When pertinent major work meetings and activities are held, award recipients shall notify the MOC and on-site accompanying mentor of said meetings in advance, such that the MOC may dispatch staff to attend.
b.    On-site mentor visit reports will serve as the primary basisfordisbursing funds at each stage of project implementation and assessing effectiveness.
2. Inspection and revocation mechanism:
a.    Relevant documents and project results shall be submitted in accordance with the research and policy analysis requirements of the MOC.
b.    No false or untrue documents and materials may be submitted for an award; in cases where award recipients submit false or untrue documents or materials, the MOC shall rescind the award, and the said award recipient shall unconditionally return all award funds.
c.    The award-winning project shall be completed in accordance with the original plan and schedule, and the award recipient may not apply for extension or change of content unless it is accompanied by a written recommendation from on-site accompanying mentor or guidance committee member(s).  However, due to special factors such as force majeure or circumstances beyond the award recipient's control, if said project is not completed according to the original schedule or execution schedule and it becomes necessary to delay it, the award recipient shall apply to the MOC for extension or change of the content of the plan within one month from the date of occurrence, which shall be effective after receiving approval from the MOC. If the award recipient does not abide by the foregoing provisions, the MOC will determine whether to withdraw or rescind the award in whole or in part depending on the severity of the infraction.
d.    The award recipient shall guarantee to undertake and complete the project for which the award has been received. If an award recipient withdraws from the project without giving any reason, said recipient shall return the award which has been paid without objection. If any of the following circumstances occurs, the MOC may request that the award recipient correct it within the time limit. If the situation is not corrected within the time limit, the project shall be terminated, and the amount of the award will be reassessed, or the award will be rescinded and the award funds which have been paid will be recovered, and will be listed as an important reference for the review of relevant awards projects of the MOC in the future:
(1)    Inability to undertake and complete the project in accordance with the original planned content and schedule, or modifying the original project without prior approval; 
(2)    Deviation from the originally planned content, or implementing it poorly; 
(3)    Failure to submit the implementation information or reports of results according to these Guidelines, or submitting reports containing untruthful content; 
(4)    Submitting the reports in poor quality, or not providing receipts for reconciling expenses; 
(5)    Breach of the provisions of these Guidelines.

IX. Copyright-related Economic Rights:
1.    Information regarding results: Award recipients agree to granton a gratis and non-exclusive basisto the MOC and individuals it authorizes the right to use on a non-profit basis, with no restrictionon time, place, number of times or manner of use,information regarding the results produced from undertaking the project,such as the report on project results, photographs, audiovisual materials (including recordings, microfilms, music-related creations, documentary films, etc.); related publications (such as magazines, community newspapers, surveys, picture books, notebooks, etc.); publicity materials; scripts; written or pictorial records; survey reports; explanatory information; and other copyrighted material detailing results, in order to promote, publicize and market said results. Where information regarding the results of the project involves utilization of the work of a third party, the award recipient shall obtain written copyright permission from said third party. A document bearing said written permission shall be deposited with the MOC. Award recipients further agree not to assert to the Ministry or those it authorizesthe moral rights to this work.
2.    In order to enhance the public's near-use benefits, and to demonstrate the effectiveness of the award-winning project, the MOC will guide the winners in writing, recording, proofreading, and supplementing the project, with one to three materials with story or culture, to present them to the public in the Taiwan Cultural Memory Bank of the MOC or other related website.  The metadata for the above materials (excluding the preview thumbnail) shall be released publically by Creative Commons “Attribution” 3.0 Taiwan version or later versions (CC BY 3.0 TW+).  The preview thumbnail of the interpretation and the original digital object are released to the public under the Creative Commons "Attribution-Noncommercial" 3.0 Taiwan version, later versions (CC BY-NC 3.0 TW+), or other license terms which are more open than Creative Commons.  The winners shall upload the relevant consent letter of copyright authorization, or other authorization certificate(s) at the same time.

X. Miscellaneous
1. No more than 40 percent of funds awarded may be expended on project personnel costs. Where individuals are temporarily engaged under miscellaneous expenses, hourly wages shall be in line with the Labor Standards Act and Ministry of Labor regulations.
2. The MOC will undertake reporting or withholding income taxes from award funds in accordance with national tax laws.
3. Promotional materials used during the execution of the plan (including information conveyed via new media, invitations, posters, and other published materials) shall clearly acknowledge the Ministry of Culture as the sponsoring or award-granting agency. The MOC-appointed instructor and the MOC are to be given three weeks’ advance notice of promotional events, press conferences, and opening and closing ceremonies.
4. Award recipients are to purchase accident insurance to ensure the safety of individuals participating in events held during the execution of the plan.
5. At the close of the project, award recipients are to upload electronic files of their reports, photographs, audiovisual materials, and publications to the database specified by the MOC. Acceptable file formats will be announced separately. 
6. To prevent multiple awards being given by the government for the same project, an identical or similar plan that has already been granted an award by the MOC or agencies under its purview, the National Culture and Arts Foundation, the National Performing Arts Center, or othercentral government agencies shall not be eligible to receive this award. Where an award has been approved and it is found that the plan has been granted multiple awards, the MOC will rescind the award and demand the return of funds already disbursed.

XI. These Directions are to be implemented in line with related laws and regulations.