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Title: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Guidelines for Cultural Exchanges and Collaborative Projects between (the Regions of) West Asia and South Asia with Taiwan Ch
Date: 2016.08.05
Legislative: 1.Promulgated on August 5, 2016
2.Amendment promulgated on March 16, 2017
Content: I: Objectives
The Ministry of Culture (“the Ministry”) has drafted these Guidelines to help enrich the global vision of the nation’s citizenry; to increase Taiwan’s understanding of Western and Southern Asian cultures, histories, and social development; and to promote bilateral exchanges.
II: Funding Principles & Qualifications
The phrase “Western and Southern Asian nations” as used in these Guidelines specifies the following nations only: Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Syria, Turkey, Yemen, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Palestine, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, India, Pakistan, Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.
The phrase “cultural exchanges and collaborative projects” as used in these Guidelines encompasses the following activities: artist residency, research, literary or artistic creation, joint training programs, traditional arts, performance arts, observatory studies, interviews and media work, field surveys and documentation, product launch or creative debut, transnational or cross-disciplinary collaboration, or other activities agreed upon by the Ministry. 
III: Applicant Eligibility
Domestic legal entities, public and private educational institutions, or civic groups registered in accordance with domestic law are eligible to apply.
IV: Subsidy Categories
Category A:
Collaborative Cultural Projects Based in Taiwan
Category B:
Collaborative Cultural Projects Based in West or South Asia
Category C:
Bilateral or Multilateral Collaborative Cultural Projects Based in West Asia, South Asia, and Taiwan
To qualify for Category C, the planned proposal must take place in at least one overseas location apart from Taiwan, such as the home country of the recommended Western or Southern Asian national. Proposals that encompass bilateral or multilateral collaboration across two or more nations are welcome as well, but all projects under this category must include one event based in Taiwan.
V: Application Criteria
Applicants must meet the following criteria:               
 1. For those who wish to invite Western or Southern Asian nationals to come to Taiwan, they must demonstrate that the recommendees meet the following conditions:
a. Have citizenship of a Western or Southern Asian nation as defined by Section 1 of Article 2, and are not subject to regulations of their home country requiring their service in the military, nor are they subject to travel restrictions.
b. Have been active for three successive years in areas defined in Section 2 of Article 2, and able to provide proof of accomplishments or results garnered in this field.
c. Have not resided in Taiwan for business or academic purposes during the entirety of the past year, starting from the day of the proposal submission.
2. For those who wish to send ROC nationals on an exchange program to West or South Asia, they must demonstrate that the recommendees meet the following conditions:
a. Have ROC citizenship and not subject to travel restrictions arising from compulsory military service or other legal issues.
b. Have been active for three successive years in areas defined in Section 2 of Article 2, and able to provide proof of accomplishments or results garnered in this field.
VI: Funding & Remittance
1. Funding Guidelines
If selected, each approved project will be eligible for funding amounts in accordance to the applied subsidy category:
As stipulated by Article 4, Category A (Collaborative Cultural Projects Based in Taiwan) applicants are eligible for up to NT$1 million in funding per project.
As stipulated by Article 4, Category B (Collaborative Cultural Projects Based in West or South Asia) applicants are eligible for up to NT$1.5 million in funding per project.
As stipulated by Article 4, Category C (Bilateral or Multilateral Collaborative Cultural Projects Based in West Asia, South Asia, and Taiwan) applicants are eligible for up to NT$2.5 million in funding per project.
          2. Remittance Guidelines
                Please see Table A: Remittance Guidelines for a list of eligible costs.
VII: Application Procedure
1.       The Ministry, in principle, will accept applications every April and October. Specific dates will be announced separately from these Guidelines. 
2.       Applicants shall deliver their application in person (or by proxy) or post it by the specified deadline. Application packages are to be directed to: “Ministry of Culture, Dept. of Cultural Exchanges, General Research & Policies Section.” The postmark shall serve as proof of submission by the set deadline for mailed applications; the date stamped by the receiving unit will serve the same function for hand-delivered applications. Late applications will not be reviewed.
VIII: Application Details
Applications are to include ten (10) copies of the project proposal (including an application form; see Attachment A), and one CD containing all documents requested for submission. The front of the submitted envelope shall be labeled “Application for Cultural Exchanges and Collaborative Projects between (the Regions of) West Asia and South Asia with Taiwan.” Application packages will not be returned regardless of the funding decision; applicants are not to request their return.
The application package should include:
1. Required Documents
a.          Project application form (see Attachment A)
b.         A project proposal (see Attachment B), including a budget table listing all expected expenditures (Attachment C).
c.          An affidavit (see Attachment D).
d.         The name of the applying organization, its registration certificate, and a summary of its current operations.
e.          Other supporting documentation, including relevant cultural exchange activities organized by the applying organization within the past three years. Documentation may be presented through audiovisual material, reports, pictures, posters, media coverage, or a summary report on the foreign cultural professionals who have visited Taiwan on behalf of the applying organization.
2. Documents Specified by Each Category
Please provide the documents required by the type of proposed exchange:
Category A: Collaborative Cultural Projects Based in Taiwan      
a.          Letters of intent to participate in the exchange program by recommendee (signed by the person concerned and including up-to-date contact information); photocopy of an identity card or other evidentiary documentation of citizenship issued by the relevant Western or Southern Asian nation; résumé; evidence that the recommendee is not in violation of Section 1 of Article 5 and is in compliance with the requirements listed in Section 2 of Article 2 concerning artistic works, performances, curations, or results of preservation efforts completed within the past three years; proof of professional competence; results of recent projects and events; awards or accolades; lists or summaries of relevant media coverage; and a CD containing files of printed, audio, or video works in a file type that can be opened with standard personal computer software.
b.         Recommendation letters for the recommendee(s) as well as an explanation of the selection process employed by the applicant.
c.          A proposal including the estimated arrival date and proposed time for implementation; objective; the cultural exchange project; expected results; plan for promoting the project results; and a description of the location where the recommendee intends to reside while in Taiwan.
d.         Implementation schedule and milestones.  
          Category B: Collaborative Cultural Projects Based in West or South Asia
a.          Letters of intent to participate in the exchange program by recommendee (signed by the person concerned and including up-to-date contact information); photocopy of a national identity card or other evidentiary documentation of ROC citizenship; résumé; evidence that the recommendee is not in violation of Section 2 of Article 5 and is in compliance with the requirements listed in Section 2 of Article 2 concerning artistic works, performances, curations, or results of preservation efforts completed within the past three years; proof of professional competence; results of recent projects and events; awards or accolades; lists or summaries of relevant media coverage; and a CD containing files of printed, audio, or video works in a file type that can be opened with standard personal computer software.
b.         A proposal including the estimated arrival date and proposed time for implementation; objective; the cultural exchange project; expected results; plan for promoting the project results; and a description of the location where the recommendee intends to reside while in West or South Asia.
c.          Implementation schedule and milestones.
Category C: Bilateral or Multilateral Collaborative Cultural Projects Based in West Asia, South Asia, and Taiwan
a. Invitation letter(s) and introduction of bilateral or multilateral event(s) planned for West Asia, South Asia, and Taiwan.
b. Name of recommendee(s); proof of nationality; résumé(s); evidence that each recommendee is in compliance with the requirements listed in Section 2 of Article 2 concerning relevant work completed within the past three years; proof of professional competence and documentation of recently completed projects; and the specific role and scope of responsibility of each recommendee in conducting the proposed project.
c. A proposal including the planned itinerary; core objectives; scope of the cultural exchange project; unique characteristics (it reflects Taiwan in what ways?); expected benefits (qualitative and quantitative measures); the presentation of project results; and detailed information on the event/venue(s).
d. Promotional strategy and marketing plan.
IX: Evaluation Process
1.    The Ministry shall form an evaluation committee composed of experts and scholars that will engage in an initial review of the professional expertise and
experience of the applicant as well as the importance, professionalism, benefits,
feasibility, soundness of the budget, and funding requirements of the project(s).
2.  Experts and scholars who decide to join the evaluation committee are required
to sign a consent form with the Ministry. Upon the completion of the evaluation
process, the Ministry will release the names of both the selected funding
recipients and those who sat on the evaluation committee per agreement of the
signed consent form.
3.  In accordance with the evaluation guidelines stipulated in Section 1 of this Article, the Ministry will make relevant information publicly available once the funding recipients are formally notified. This information includes the list of recipients and their project titles, the amounts granted, and the names of all evaluation committee members. This data will also be posted on the Ministry’s grants information website.
4.  Committee decisions may be made when a quorum of two-thirds of members is
present. One half of this number may count as a majority for voting purposes.
Members are to abide by the principle of recusal and engage in fair appraisals.
Committee members shall recuse themselves when the provisions of Article 32
and Article 33 of the Administrative Procedure Act apply.
5.  The Ministry shall dispatch personnel at irregular intervals to conduct an evaluation of the project’s execution. Funding recipients shall make certain adjustments based on the Ministry’s evaluations.
X: Funding Guidelines
1.         In regards to unique exchanges and collaborative opportunities that present significant positive benefits at an appropriate time, the proposal will be reviewed by additional relevant agencies before approval can be granted.
2.         In such cases, the applicant will not be subjected to funding restrictions specified by Section 6 and 7 of Article 1, nor the restrictions outlined in Section 13 of Article 8.
XI: Remittances and Audits
        1. Funding, shall in principle, be allotted in two stages:
a.          Stage One (50 percent of the total approved funding) shall be remitted within 30 days of the applicant’s signing of a contract with the Ministry and the submission of a receipt that has been subsequently verified as valid by the Ministry.
b.         Stage Two shall be remitted within a month of the project’s conclusion, or before November 30 of that year. All original receipts/invoices, a list of actual expenditures and transaction statements (including those for transportation, lodgings, airfare, medical insurance, and other project-related expenses), payment slips for creative costs, and an implementation report on the project results shall be submitted prior to remittance of Stage Two funding. Recipients shall allow for up to 45 days for the Ministry’s audit process and approval.
2.         Where submission of the aforementioned Stage Two documentation is late or incomplete, the Ministry will inform the recipient of the deadline for submitting required documentation that is still outstanding. Where recipients have failed to submit said documentation or have submitted insufficient documentation, the Ministry will cancel the recipient’s funding eligibility and declare the contract null and void. In such cases, funding already provided from Stage One shall be remitted to the Ministry in full.
3.         In the case that the need for adjusting the amount of requested funding arises, the applicant is required to inform the Ministry prior to signing a contract. The adjustment request will then be processed by the Ministry before a final decision is rendered.
4.         Items listed on receipts/invoices shall be directly related to the subject of the contract and shall have been listed in the submitted budget breakdown. Receipts must be identifiable and verifiable, allowing for proper review.
XII: Rights and Duties
1.         Funding recipients shall help their recommendees obtain necessary ROC/travel visas, and provide assistance with regards to networking, their creative process, lodgings, and other areas requiring support.
2.         The Ministry may require that recipients and recommendees participate in media interviews pertaining to their exchange project, attend cultural events, and participate in promotional events concerning the project’s objectives and results. Recipients and recommendees may also be asked to provide relevant materials for use on the websites of the Ministry and its subordinate organizations as well as other media outlets for promotional purposes.
XIII: Additional Guidelines & Responsibilities
1.         Upon notification, successful applicants shall have 15 days to sign a contract with the Ministry; failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the right to claim funding. The funding contract will be drawn up by the Ministry separate from these Guidelines.
2.         Funding recipients shall carry out the project as approved by the Ministry. Where portions of the project cannot be carried out, or where changes are deemed necessary, a written explanation detailing the changes and remedial measures shall be submitted directly to the Ministry within 14 days; the Ministry will then render a written decision to approve the changes or to cancel the project, and the contract will be subsequently modified accordingly.

3.         Where portions of the project cannot be carried out due to unforeseeable circumstances that the applicant cannot be held liable for, the applicant shall notify the Ministry at once. After a written decision has been made to terminate or revoke the contract, the applicant shall submit a report detailing all the progress made up to the point of cancellation. The Ministry will subsequently evaluate the project and determine the amounts that shall be remitted to/withdrawn from the applicant.
4.         Funding shall be used toward its designated ends and may not be otherwise directed. When expenditures necessitate individual income tax being levied, funding recipients are to comply with the ROC Income Tax Act and related regulations.
5.         When funding recipients do not submit project information as per regulations, where information submitted is insufficient, or where submission of information is delayed, this will be dealt with in accordance with these Guidelines and the terms of the signed contract. The Ministry will also take this into consideration during future appraisal reviews for funding projects.
6.         When the same project, or a similar one, has already received funding from the National Culture and Arts Foundation, the National Performing Arts Center, the Ministry, or any of the Ministry’s subordinate organizations, the project will not be eligible for funding from this guideline. Where such projects have been submitted, they will not be reviewed by the Ministry.
7.         Applications will not be processed for applicants who have previously signed contracts for Ministry funding and, having been found to be in severe breach of contract provisions, failed to fulfill their contractual obligations.
8.         Applicants are not limited to seeking funding for only one project per funding year. Each applicant may receive funding for up to three projects in a single year.
9.         The same recommendee who has been funded by this program for two consecutive years (whether through the same or different application partner) will become ineligible and shall not receive additional funding for a third year.  
10.   Where recommendees cannot be held liable for withdrawal from the program or be absent for a period of seven days or longer, funding recipients shall notify the Ministry in writing; the Ministry must issue its approval before recommendees are permitted to leave. Those receiving approval for absence shall have their living expenses and lodging funds reduced by the commensurate amount for the time absent. Those not abiding by the above stipulation shall have funding cancelled or revoked.
11.   Funding recipients shall warrant that works provided to the Ministry do not infringe upon the rights of third parties. Where a third party’s rights are infringed upon, funding recipients shall be responsible. Funding recipients shall reimburse the Ministry for any losses such circumstances cause the Ministry to incur.
12.   Where funding recipients are found to be in breach of these Guidelines, the funding contract, or other rules and regulations, the Ministry will, depending upon the severity of the offense, require funding recipients to return part or all of the funds already remitted. Such recipients shall be excluded from applying again for a period of two years.
13.   In the case where a project’s completion ends in a cash surplus, funding recipients shall remit the money to the Ministry according to the original funding ratio; any additional interest generated by the use of funds shall be remitted in full to the Ministry as well.
14.   When the same project is submitted to two or more organizations for funding, the applicant shall list the entire content of expenses and the items and amount for which he/she has applied from various organizations. In the case of concealed or falsified information, the Ministry will cancel its funding and recover previous remittances.
15.   If the project funding involves procurement cases, the case shall be handled in accordance with the ROC Government Procurement Law and related regulations.
16.   Upon the completion of the project, funding recipients shall report their expenditures, submit payment vouchers in accordance with payment documentation guidelines, and provide a detailed breakdown of expenditure items and the total amount of all actual expenditures incurred by the project.
17.   When funding recipients apply for reimbursement, they shall be held responsible for the authenticity of their report based on the principle of good faith; in the case of concealed or falsified information, funding recipients will be hold accountable.
18.   Where funding recipients are found to have poorly or wrongfully applied funds, or to have concealed or falsified expenditures, the Ministry will cancel funding and recover all previous remittances. Depending upon the severity of the offense, such recipients shall be excluded from applying for a period of one to five years.
XIV: The Ministry will provide an explanation where doubts arise, or where there is lack of clarity, concerning these Guidelines and Procedures.
Table A: Remittance Guidelines
Category A: Collaborative Cultural Projects Based in Taiwan
Reimbursable items include the following expenses incurred by recommendees for their duration of stay in Taiwan:
1. Transportation costs:
Roundtrip economy airfare for a route linking the recommendees from their place of residence in West or South Asia to Taiwan; ground transportation from the airport to their lodgings in Taiwan; and visa fees.
2. Insurance:
During their stay in Taiwan, recommendees are required to purchase individual coverage of up to NT$4 million in travel insurance (reimbursement will be based on actual costs incurred).
3. Accommodation, living expenses:
Accommodation and living expenses will be reimbursed based on actual costs incurred. Expenses shall not exceed the “remuneration (including living expenses)” category as specified in the government-issued “Standard payments to foreign advisors, experts, and scholars employed by local agencies for work in Taiwan.”
4. Creation, performance fees
Excluding individual income tax, which must be paid by the recommendees.
5. Promotional expenditures, translation fees.
6. Shipping costs for artwork transport.
7. Other relevant expenses approved by the Ministry of Culture.
8. The above expenses do not cover recurrent personnel costs, venue or facility-related costs, or equipment costs.
Category B: Collaborative Cultural Projects Based in West or South Asia
Reimbursable items include the following expenses paid by the recommended ROC national for the duration of exchanges and collaboration in West or South Asia:
1. Transportation costs:
Roundtrip economy airfare for a route linking the recommendees from Taiwan to their Western or Southern Asian destination; ground transportation from the airport to their lodgings in the destination country; and visa fees.
2. Insurance:
During their stay in West or South Asia, ROC nationals are required to purchase individual coverage of up to NT$4 million in travel insurance (reimbursement will be based on actual costs incurred).
3. Accommodation, living expenses:
Accommodation and living expenses will be reimbursed based on actual costs incurred. Expenses shall not exceed 70% of the “daily expenses” category nor 20% of the “living expenses” category as specified in the government-issued “Standard payments to ROC personnel deployed by ROC governmental agencies on overseas business trips.”
4. Creation, performance fees
Excluding individual income tax, which must be paid by the recommended ROC nationals.
5. Promotional expenditures, translation fees.
6. Shipping costs for artwork transport.
7. Other relevant expenses approved by the Ministry of Culture.
8. The above expenses do not cover recurrent personnel costs, venue or facility-related costs, or equipment costs.
Category C: Bilateral or Multilateral Collaborative Cultural Projects Based in West Asia, South Asia, and Taiwan
For recommendees matching the criteria stipulated by Article 4 of these Guidelines, reimbursable items include the following expenses incurred during the duration of exchanges and collaboration in West Asia, South Asia, and Taiwan:
1. Transportation costs:
Roundtrip economy airfare for either a route linking the recommendees from Taiwan to their Western or Southern Asian destination, or a route linking the recommendees from their place of residence in West or South Asia to Taiwan; ground transportation from the airport to their lodgings in the destination country; and visa fees.
2. Insurance:
During the duration of exchanges and collaboration, recommendees are required to purchase individual coverage of up to NT$4 million in travel insurance (reimbursement will be based on actual costs incurred).
3. Accommodation, living expenses:
For foreign nationals, expenses shall not exceed the “remuneration (including living expenses)”category as specified in the government-issued “Standard payments to foreign advisors, experts, and scholars employed by local agencies for work in Taiwan.”
For ROC nationals, expenses shall not exceed 70% of the “daily expenses” category nor 20% of the “living expenses” category as specified in the government-issued “Standard payments to ROC personnel deployed by ROC governmental agencies on overseas business trips.
4. Creation, performance fees:
Excluding individual income tax, which must be paid by the recommendees.
5. Shipping costs for artwork transport.
6. Promotional expenditures, translation fees.
7. Other relevant expenses approved by the Ministry of Culture.
8. The above expenses do not cover recurrent personnel costs, venue or facility-related costs, or equipment costs.