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Ministry of Culture
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Directions for Accrediting Journalists Attached to News Organizations Based in Hong Kong or Macau Seeking Press Credentials in the Republic of China (Taiwan) Ch
Date: 2013.08.20
Legislative: Promulgated by Official Order Wen Jiao Tze No. 10220277012 on August 20, 2013
Content: I.         These Directions are drawn up by the Ministry of Culture (hereafter the “Ministry”) to accredit journalists who are attached to foreign news organizations based in Hong Kong or Macau, and who wish to be stationed in the Republic of China (hereafter “ROC”).
II.        The term “journalist attached to a foreign news organization based in Hong Kong or Macau” refers those assigned to the ROC by a news organization registered in Hong Kong or Macau.
The news organization can take the form of a newspaper, news agency, periodical, radio or television enterprise, or web-based media that reports on current events and affairs of public concern.
The journalist can be a full-time correspondent or a part-time contributor.
The organization will be identified as one of two categories – “China-funded media” and “media not funded by China.” The categorization will be determined by the Ministry and other ROC authorities governing mainland China affairs. 
III.     Journalists attached to foreign news organizations based in Hong Kong or Macau shall register with the Ministry upon receiving notice of deployment to the ROC. Those who wish to apply from Hong Kong or Macau shall file an application with overseas agencies or local groups approved by the Executive Yuan. Those who wish to apply in the ROC shall file an application directly with the Ministry with the following documents:
 (1) The attached application form and three photographs (2.5 inches, showing a close-up of head and top of shoulders);
 (2) A letter of assignment bearing the signature of the head officer of the news organization with which the journalist is affiliated. The letter of assignment shall include:
        i.                A description of the news medium;
       ii.                A statement specifying full-time or part-time work;
      iii.                A statement specifying duration of employment, job description, work hours, and other contractual responsibilities;
       iv.                A statement specifying job title, seniority within the company/years with the organization, nature of job, and previous employment.
 (3) A photocopy of the applicant’s passport identification page or other formal identification papers.
IV.     Applicants applying for credentials as a foreign journalist stationed in the ROC are subjected to the following regulations:
 (1) Hong Kong or Macau applicants employed by China-funded media will be eligible for working up to three months in the ROC; an extension request cannot exceed three months and will only be granted once.
(2) Hong Kong or Macau applicants employed by media that are not funded by China will be eligible for working up to a year in the ROC; reapplication required within thirty days prior to the expiration of the approved period.
The same regulations shall apply to ROC passport holders and other foreign nationals employed by news organizations based in Hong Kong or Macau.
China applicants employed by news organizations based in Hong Kong or Macau shall abide by the ROC Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area.
V.        If an applicant who (i) registered in accordance to stipulations outlined in Section 1 and 2 of the previous Article, and (ii) wishes to extend the duration of his or her stay in Taiwan as an accredited journalist, an extension request may be filed with the Ministry with the following documents:
(1) The application, photographs, and letter of assignment as stipulated by Section 1 and 2 of Article III.
(2) Ten reports by the applicant that were published, aired, or otherwise distributed by a news outlet within the past year.
VI.   Hong Kong or Macau applicants employed by China-funded media companies will be able to bring up to five members of their immediate family to Taiwan.
VII.  Applicants registered in accordance with these Directions shall be issued a press certificate by the Ministry accrediting their status as foreign journalists stationed in the ROC.
The press certificate shall only serve as proof of the bearer’s credentials.
Where information on the certificate is found to be outdated or incorrect, the bearer shall apply for a new press certificate and the old certificate shall be declared outdated. If a press certificate is lost, the bearer shall publish an announcement to that effect in a newspaper and apply to the Ministry for a new certificate.
VIII.               Where an accredited journalist wishes to attend an event or conduct an interview, he or she must first seek permission from the organizing agency, company, or person and present the Ministry-issued press certificate.
IX.    All accredited journalists working in the ROC shall uphold journalistic integrity and professionalism, conduct reporting on a factual and unbiased basis, and abide by ROC laws and regulations.
X.         The Ministry reserves the right to deny an application, revoke the registration, or cancel the press certificate of a journalist attached to a news organization based in Hong Kong or Macau under the following circumstances:
(1) Where the journalist violates any provision of these Directions;
(2) Where the journalist does not engage in journalistic work;
(3) Where the journalist has committed a serious violation of ROC laws and regulations.
When a journalist attached to a news organization based in Hong Kong or Macau is no longer employed in such a capacity, the press certificate shall be returned to the Ministry along with an application filing for cancellation of press credentials in the ROC. The Ministry shall also revoke accreditation upon discovery of journalists no longer employed in such a capacity.

Application Form for Journalists Attached to News Organizations Based in Hong Kong or Macau Seeking Press Credentials in the Republic of China (Taiwan)
1. Name: __________________________________________________________  
2. Date of Birth: __________________________________________________
3. Martial Status:  □ Not Married       □ Married
4. Number of Accompanying Family Members:
5. National Identification Number: _____________________________________________________
Issued By: _____________________________________________________________________________
6. Highest Academic Degree: ___________________________________________________________
Date of Diploma (Month and Year): _________________________________________________
7. Work Experience: _____________________________________________________________________
8. Job Title: _______________________________________________________________________________
9. Resident Address in the ROC: _________________________________________________________
_______________________________ Phone: _____________________ Fax: _______________________
10. Office Address in the ROC: ___________________________________________________________
_______________________________ Phone: _____________________ Fax: _______________________
11. Cell: ______________________ Email: _____________________
Other Methods of Contact (such as messenger apps) __________________________________________________________
12. Affiliated News Organization
(1) Company Name and Description: __________________________________________________
(2) Year of Establishment: _______________________________________________________________
(3) Head Officer: _________________________________________________________________________
(4) Address of Head Office: ______________________________________________________________
(5) Phone of Head Office: _______________________________________________________________
(6) Target Audience: _____________________________________________________________________
(7) Circulation or Viewership: __________________________________________________________
(8) Website: ______________________________________________________________________________
13. Nature of Employment:    □ Full Time               □ Part Time
14. Summary of Employment Contract: _________________________________________________
(1) Duration of Contract: _________________________________________________________________
(2) Description of Contractual Responsibilities: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
(3) Work Hours: __________________________________________________________________________
15. How Many Times Have You Applied for Press Credentials in the ROC? _________________. Date of Previous Approved Period: _____________________
16. Application Date: ___________________ Signature: ________________________
Data Source:Ministry of Culture Laws and Regulations Retrieving System