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Title: Ministry of Culture, Republic of China (Taiwan) The Pivot South Translation and Publishing Program Application Guidelines Ch
Date: 2017.07.27
Legislative: Announced on Jul. 27th, 2017
I. The Ministry of Culture (hereinafter referred to as “the Ministry”) has formulated these guidelines to encourage the publication of translations of Taiwan’s literature, in the territories of South Asia, Southeast Asia and Australasia (hereinafter referred to as the Pivot South nations), as well as to fund exchange trips for publishers and the publication of original titles that deal with the cultures of Taiwan and the Pivot South nations, as well as the topic of cultural exchange between them.
II. South Asia, Southeast Asia and Australasia will be taken to mean: Cambodia, the Philippines, Laos, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Australia and New Zealand.

III. The program is split into three different strands, which are:
1. Translation and Publication Grant Program
a. The translation, publication and marketing of Taiwanese literature (including fiction, non-fiction, illustrated titles and anthologies) in the Pivot South nations.
b. The translation into Chinese (Complex characters), publication and marketing of literature from the Pivot South nations (including fiction, non-fiction, illustrated titles and anthologies) in Taiwan.
2. Publisher Exchange Program
Fund exchanges and cooperation activities between publishers in Taiwan and the aforementioned Pivot South nations.
3. Original Book Program
Fund the publication of original titles yet to be published on the topics of Taiwan, the cultures of the Pivot South nations or cultural exchanges. Material deemed unsuitable for minors will not be accepted.

IV. Applicant Eligibility:
1. Citizens of the Republic of China (Taiwan) or civic organizations and legal persons registered in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
2. Citizens of the aforementioned Pivot South nations or civic organizations and legal persons registered in accordance with the laws and regulations of their respected country.
V. Conditions:
1. Translation and Publishing Grant Program
a. Works translated shall be original works by Taiwanese writers (R.O.C. nationality) in written in any of the languages native to Taiwan, or else be by writers from the Pivot South nations written in their local language.
b. All Chinese content must be in Complex characters.
c. All translations must be done directly between the relevant Taiwanese and Pivot South languages, no relay translations will be accepted.
d. Priority is given to works to be translated and published for the first time in Taiwan or the relevant Pivot South nation.
e. Projects receiving funding shall have already obtained authorization for translation, and be published within two years from the signature of a letter of agreement.
2. Publisher Exchange Program
a. Citizens of the Republic of China (R.O.C) selected to take part in an exchange abroad must have completed their military service in accordance with laws of the Republic of China and must not have any restrictions upon their travel abroad.
b. Citizens of the Pivot South nations must be citizens of said territories and have completed any military service according to the laws of their country of citizenship where applicable and have no travel restrictions in place.
c. Applications must be received according to these guidelines before the published deadline and show clear evidence of professional experience in the field of publishing.
d. “Exchange and cooperation” refers to events related to translation, editing, rights selling and other publishing related activities such as book fairs, author seminars and forum etc.
e. The period for staying abroad or coming to Taiwan shall not exceed six months.
3. Original Book Program
a. The subsidy will fund original projects that are yet to be published, with priority given to titles on the subjects of Taiwan, the cultures of the Pivot South nations or else cultural exchanges.
b. Projects receiving funding shall be published in one of the Pivot South nations within two years from the signature of a letter of agreement.

VI. Funding Items and Amount
1. Translation and Publishing Grant Program
a. The maximum funding available for any given project is NT$ 500,000 (including income tax and remittance charges).
b. The funding can cover: a licensing fee for the rights holder of the original work, a translation fee, funds to cover production and marketing and promotion costs (not including salary or equipment purchase costs).
2. Publisher Exchange Program
a. The maximum funding available for any given project is NT$ 500,000 (including income tax and remittance charges).
b. The funding can cover: transportation, living and accommodation expenses, insurance and marketing and promotion costs. (not including salary or equipment purchase costs).
3. Original Book Program
a. The maximum funding available for any given work is NT$ 500,000 (including income tax and remittance charges). For a series, the funding will be multiplied by the number of books in the series, but total funding in that case will be limited to NT$ 2,000,000 (including income tax and remittance charges).
b. The funding can cover: Production costs, translation and marketing and promotion costs (not including salary or equipment purchase costs).

VII. Special projects: For projects of particular significance and scope that involve exceptional creativity, deep-level cooperation and concrete outcomes, and provided that they help promote the work of the department, the Ministry will enter into a special agreement. In such cases, the actors involved, the nature of the project and the application period will not be bound by articles four to six, nor articles eight and nine.
VIII. Principles:
1. Applicants are not limited to submitting only one project for funding in each application year; however, the same applicant can only receive funding for up to three projects in any given round of applications.
2. For those applying under article III section 1, the maximum number of projects that will be accepted to the Translation Grant Program and the Pivot South Publishing Program shall be limited to three.
3. Those applying under article III section 2 for a second year running will be prohibited from applying the next year and for three years in total.

IX. Application Procedure:
1. Please apply using the online application system.
2. In principle, applications will be received once a year with the timescale announced with one month notice by the Ministry.
3. All applications must be submitted online and before the published deadlines. Any applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
X. Applications and supplementary documents must be completed in Complex Chinese or English, or be supplied with Chinese (Complex characters) or English translations. Applications must include:
1. Translation and Publishing Grant Program
a. A completed application form, budget chart, and a plan for publication completed in Chinese (Complex characters) or English. (The online application form and Appendix 1-1)
b. The following documents:
i. License agreement.
ii. Digital copies of published titles.
iii. In the case of publishers (legal persons), proof of business registration in the relevant country or government license.
iv. In the case of translators, a copy of the relevant translation contract between translator and publisher.
2. Publisher Exchange Program
a. A completed application form, budget chart, and a plan for the exchange completed in Chinese (Complex characters) or English. (The online application form and Appendix 1-2)
b. The following documents:
i. In the case of publishers (legal persons), proof of business registration in the relevant country and a description of business activities.
ii. Evidence of cultural exchanges organized in the last three years including video, written materials, photos, posters and press coverage, and proof of success in inviting professionals in the field of publishing to your country or to Taiwan. Please include brief biographies of relevant people.
iii. Contract showing the professional to be invited agrees to come to Taiwan or to travel abroad (including signature and contact details for the person invited). Please also include proof of identity (citizens of the Republic of China and the relevant “Pivot South” nations) and a short biography including relevant details of previous publishing exchanges with translators, editors or rights sellers etc in the last three years and without violation of article 4 section two and in accordance with article 5 section 2. Further evidence of professional engagement, record of success, prizes, press reports, and summaries of contents should also be included. Files should be sent in a format compatible with a PC personal computer.
iv. A letter of recommendation for the person(s) being invited, outlining reasons for selection.
3. Original Book Program
a. A completed application form, budget chart, and a plan for publication completed in Chinese (Complex characters) or English. (The online application form and Appendix 1-3)
b. The following documents: Proof of business registration in the relevant country and a description of business activities.

XI. Review Process:
1. The Ministry will first conduct a review of the applicant’s eligibility and submitted materials. Where applications are incomplete, but the situation can be remedied, the Ministry will inform applicants of an extended deadline for submitting any missing documentation. Applications will not be processed in cases where applicants subsequently fail to submit documentation or have submitted insufficient documentation. Applicants will be granted only one opportunity to remedy incomplete applications.
2. The Ministry shall invite experts and scholars to form a panel to review all contents and determine the size of grants awarded based on the scope of each proposed project, including significance, professionalism, achievability, and reasonableness of the budget. Decisions can only be made when over two-thirds of the panel are in attendance, and over half of those in attendance show approval.
3. Members of the panel shall sign an official letter in lieu of a contract with the Ministry that once the results of the evaluation have been announced, their names will be made public.
4. The panel are not employees of the Ministry, but are paid for reviewing and related work in accordance with their expertise and related regulations. Members of the panel shall recuse themselves when the provisions set out in Articles 32 and 33 of the Administrative Procedure Act of the Republic of China (Taiwan) apply.
5. Applications will be reviewed in accordance with the provisions set out in paragraph 2, and once the decisions have been approved and signed by the Chief Executive, a list of the names of the panel will be published alongside the results of their decision (including the names of those who are to receive funds, the title of the project and how much they will receive). Details will also be published in the section of the Ministry’s website for prizes and awards.
6. The Ministry will conduct random checks to examine progress of the funded projects, to see that they are doing so in accordance with the plans submitted. All funds shall be handled in accordance with the Ministry’s recommendations.
7. No paperwork and materials submitted during the course of the application shall be returned no matter the outcome and applicants may not request their return.

XII. Remittances and Audits:
Funds shall be remitted in two stages, with each stage accounting for 50 percent of the total sum.
1. The first installment shall be sent in accordance with the designated deadline but only once the Ministry has received a formal “receipt” (see Appendices 2-1 and 2-2).
2. For the second installment:
a. Translation and Publishing Grant Program
i. Recipients shall submit another “receipt” (see Appendices 2-1 and 2-2) original receipts of expenses occurred (only those relevant to the project), list of total expenditure for the project (see Appendix 4-1), and the final published translation, no later than the deadline written in the signed official letter.
ii. Recipients shall also send a report, as well as the finished translation in electronic form on CD-ROM (including cover, table of contents, copyright page, and 10% of the full text that is either significant and continuous or can be considered the most representative chapter), as well as 10 hardcopies. Remittance will be made after the Ministry has reviewed all the required documents and materials. PDF files shall be used for the CD-ROM; and other materials submitted should be in Word doc file format to be used on the Ministry’s official website.
b. Publisher Exchange Program
Within one month of the end of the exchange, recipients should submit receipt of funds received (Appendices 2-1 and 2-2), list of total expenditure for the project (see Appendix 4-2), original receipts of expenses occurred (only those relevant to the project), and a report detailing outcomes of the exchange:
i. Transportation costs: including visa fees, international air travel costs (by the quickest economy route), the cost of airport transfer by public transport (please retain tickets as proof). Please include electronic flight tickets, boarding passes for the whole journey, proof of purchase, and in the case of travel agency fees, please submit original receipts.
ii. Accommodation and living expenses: Accommodation and living expenses will be paid according to the figures outlined in Appendix 1. Original receipts must be included which clearly show real costs, along with the List of Real Expenditure form (Appendix 2-3).
iii. Insurance: Please complete the list of total expenditure. Insurance should be for the duration of the trip and no longer, and of a maximum value of 4 million New Taiwan Dollars.
iv. Marketing costs: Please complete the relevant marketing section in the list of total expenditure for exchange and cooperation programs (not including salary or equipment purchase costs).
v. Recipients shall also send a report outlining the content and outcomes of the exchange, as well as any suggestions arising thereafter. PDF files shall be used for the CD-ROM; and other materials submitted should be in Word doc file format to be used on the Ministry’s official website.
c. Original Book Program
i. Recipients shall submit another “receipt,” (Appendices 2-1 and 2-2), original receipts for expenses occurred (only those relevant to the project), list of total expenditure for the project (see Appendix 4-3), and the final published book, no later than the deadline written in the signed official letter.
ii. Recipients shall also send a report outlining details of print run, retail price and sales results, the finished book in electronic form on CD-ROM (including cover, table of contents, copyright page, and 10% of the full text that is either significant and continuous or can be considered the most representative chapter), as well as 10 hardcopies. Remittance will be made after the Ministry has reviewed all the required documents and materials. PDF files shall be used for the CD-ROM; and other materials submitted should be in Word doc file format to be used on the Ministry’s official website.

XIII. Notes:
1. Conditions for application and receipt of funding:
a. Recipients should list all expenditure as well as funding and subsidies received from other government agencies, and proof that you have not applied for other funding from this Ministry, the National Performing Arts Center and the National Foundation for Culture and Arts (using the same format as Appendix 5). In cases of misrepresentation or falsification, the Ministry will cancel funding, and will demand repayment for the full amount. Such recipients will be excluded from applying for the Ministry’s funding for a period of three years.
b. Applications will not be accepted from those who have previously received funding and failed to comply with terms set out in that agreement.
c. Funding recipients shall warrant that any project submitted to the Ministry does not infringe upon the rights of third parties. Where a third party’s rights are infringed upon, applicants shall be responsible. The Ministry will demand repayment of any monies already sent, and the recipient may will be prohibited from applying for the Ministry’s related subsidies for the next three years.
d. In the event that recipients wish to forfeit the subsidy, recipients shall submit a written explanation to the Ministry. The Ministry will cancel the grant and demand repayment of any monies already sent within an agreed timeframe. Should there be any delay in returning the monies, the recipient will be prohibited from applying for any future related subsidies.
e. Except for the provisions laid out in these guidelines, recipients shall warrant not to otherwise violate related laws and regulations. In the event of such violations, the Ministry will terminate the agreement and demand the return of all monies already sent. Case files will be retained for reference in the preparation of future subsidies.
2. Recipients shall submit a written explanation for any modification to the project to the Ministry for approval. This should be submitted in advance. Changes may only be made once.
3. Project completion:
a. Funding includes tax and remittance charges which will be deducted before payment is made.
b. Funding shall be used toward the designated ends and may not be otherwise directed. For individuals whereby funding is deemed to be taxable income, payment of said obligations is the responsibility of the recipient.
c. Submitted receipts should be handled according to the provisions set out with regard to receipts. All receipts should show clearly the amounts and what they are for, any errors are the responsibility of the recipient. Late or incomplete submissions will result in a reminder being sent. If the problems identified are not then corrected, the Ministry reserves the right to cancel and revoke the funds and demand the return of any monies already paid out.
d. Funding will only be paid out as long as the receipts and the list of expenditure match in all respects, including date of purchase. The money must be spent during implementation of the project and for legitimate purposes.
e. At the end of the project, should there be any unused portion of the projected total costs remaining, this should be returned at a rate calculated by the Ministry. Depending on the type and scope of the project, the Ministry will consider the margin of error and recalculate the total subsidy on this basis. In severe cases, the Ministry reserves the right to cancel the funding in its entirety.
f. For legal persons and civic organizations, should the total subsidy amount to more than half of the total expenditure or the total subsidy be more than the amount publicized by the recipient, then the Ministry will supervise the project in accordance with the Government Procurement Law.
g. The Ministry’s sponsorship must be mentioned in all promotional material, and the Ministry must be informed of any related events with at least ten days notice.
h. Recipients grant the Ministry the right to use all materials submitted for audit and receipt of the second installment of the subsidy, including event photographs, written reports, images, audio and video recordings and all explanatory notes (that is, all content, format and structure of digital content, including but not limited to all finished products, written text, photographs and audio and video recordings) without royalty, without limit and in perpetuity for non profit-making purposes (any such materials will be released according to the principle of Open Data). The funding recipient also warrants not to exercise authorship rights against the Ministry or other licensees.
i. Funding recipients shall warrant that any project submitted to the Ministry does not infringe upon the rights of third parties. Where a third party’s rights are infringed upon, applicants shall be held responsible and liable for any damages incurred by the Ministry.
4. Other notes:
a. Translation and Publication Grant Program
i. Recipients agree to authorize the Ministry to use the completed translation for not-for-profit purposes on the Ministry’s websites. (See Appendices 3-1 and 3-2 for Authorization Agreement)
ii. Published translations shall specify that the work is “Sponsored by Ministry of Culture, Republic of China [Taiwan])” on the copyright page or in another obvious part of the book. The Ministry reserves the right to reduce the approved grant by 10% if the recipient fails to comply.
iii. Details of the sponsorship should also be included on the copyright page, including a brief summary in English (of at least three hundred words, including the information for the copyright page, summary of contents and a brief description).
b. Publisher Exchange and Program
i. If the recipient of the subsidy is a company (legal person) or civic organization, they shall be responsible for visa and accommodation arrangements.
ii. Recipients and participants of any exchange program will be required to cooperate with media interviews, specially organized events etc as well as the Ministry’s own websites or official channels for promotional purposes.
iii. Should participants need to leave early or be away from the program for a longer period of time (over 7 days), written explanation must be submitted for Ministry approval in advance. The remaining accommodation and living expenses will be deducted from the final amount in proportion to the number of days missed. The Ministry reserves the right to cancel and revoke all funding in the event of any violation of these rules, depending on the circumstances.
iv. The recipient shall prepare a report upon completion of the program, which must include a text of at least 300 words in English summarizing the purpose and outcomes of the exchange.
c. Original Book Program
i. Published work shall specify that it is “Sponsored by Ministry of Culture, Republic of China [Taiwan])” on the copyright page, as well as a brief summary in English (of at least three hundred words, including information for the copyright page, summary of contents and a brief description).
ii. Recipients must publish according to the plans submitted. The Ministry reserves the right to cancel and revoke all funding in the event of any violation of these rules, depending on the circumstances.

XIV. The Ministry will provide an explanation where doubts arise, or where there remains a lack of clarity, concerning these guidelines and procedures.
