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Title: Enforcement Rules of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act Ch
Date: 2015.09.03
Legislative: Amended on Sep. 3th,2015
(中華民國一百零四年九月三日文化部文授資局綜字第 10430078592 號
令、行政院農業委員會農林務字第 1041701166 號令會銜修正發布第
16 條條文;增訂第 15-1 條條文)
Content: Article 15-1
When discovering suspected archaeological sites under Article 50 of the Act, the competent authorities shall call upon archaeological scholars and experts, academic or professional institutions to conduct joint investigations or project research and evaluations; then may take the following measures:
1.     Halt the construction work;
2.     Modify construction methods and construction layout;
3.     Conduct rescue excavations;
4.     Monitor the construction; and
5.     Take other necessary measures.

Article 16
The principles governing the preservation and management of cultural landscapes under Article 55 Paragraph 1 of the Act shall be finalized within one year of the cultural landscapes registration; the cultural landscape preservation and conservation plans under Article 55 Paragraph 2 of the Act shall be finalized within three years of the cultural landscapes registration and reviewed comprehensively at least every five years.
The content of cultural landscape preservation conservation plans in the preceding paragraph is as follows:
1.     Basic data filing;
2.     Daily conservation and management;
3.     Production of related drawings; and
4.     Other relevant matters.