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Ministry of Culture
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Ministry of Culture 2017 Directions on Implementing the Youth Village Culture Development Project Ch
Date: 2017.07.26
Legislative: Announced on July 26th,2017
Content: I. The Ministry of Culture (henceforth “the MOC”) has drafted these Directions to encourage young people to tap into local cultural resources and splendor to adapt to modern cultural, aesthetic, social, environmental, and economic challenges; comprehending local knowledge and connecting small-town culture and community building efforts to social networks; and creating cultural meaning and reifying a vibrant civic culture. This will also help to increase the power of diverse local cultures and create a more cooperative society.

II. Eligibility
1. ROC nationals between the ages of 20 and 45; proof must be provided.
2. Foreign nationals, not to include those from mainland China or Hong Kong, between the ages of 20 and 45 and in possession of an ROC residency permit issued by the Bureau of Consular Affairs, or a resident certificate issued by the National Immigration Agency; proof of possession of one of the aforementioned documents must be provided.
III. Timeframe: Projects approved for 2017 shall in principle be implemented over a period of at least six months between the date they are approved and October 31, 2018.
IV. Award amount: Those who a review committee has deemed eligible for an award will receive between NT$100,000 and NT$1 million (the actual amount given will be determined during the review).

V. Evaluation standards, procedures, announcement of results, and recusals:
   1. Evaluation standards:
    a. Understanding of the issue, and innovativeness and feasibility of the approach;
    b. Comprehension of local knowledge and culture, and community participation;
    c. Personal growth and leadership shown in the plan;
    d. Extent to which the project shows sustainable development potential; and
 e. Impact on society.
2. Three stages of evaluation: eligibility confirmation, initial review, final review:
           a. Eligibility confirmation: The MOC will review documents submitted     by the applicant. Where information is found to be missing or inaccurate, the    applicant    will be notified of a deadline by which missing information must be   forwarded to the MOC. Applicants who fail to do so by the deadline will be declared ineligible.
           b. Initial review: Following eligibility confirmation, representatives of the MOC and scholars and experts invited for the purpose shall form a review       panel, which will review submitted documents. Applicants who pass this first      review shall move on to the final review.
           c. Final review: The MOC will convene the review panel to consider   candidates. Applicants reaching this stage will deliver a presentation before the panel. The MOC will conduct onsite reviews where deemed necessary. The      recommendations of the panel will be reviewed and approved of by the      Minister or the Minister’s designee. Where needed, applicants will be directed   by the panel to furnish a revised plan within a specified timeframe, which will be reviewed at a further panel meeting.
3. Results: After the final review has been approved, the results, as well as the names of all reviewers, will be published on the MOC’s website; award recipients will be notified in writing.
4. Recusal: To ensure fairness and secrecy, individuals involved shall agree to keep secret the information that comes before them, recuse themselves where necessary, and abide by the terms of Articles 32 and 33 the Administrative Procedure Act.
VI. Remittance: In principle, award monies shall be remitted in four stages based on progress made on the plan. However, where progress or other reasons necessitate, payment need not be made in stages.
1. First stage: A receipt for first-stage payment; a pledge to execute the project; a copyright authorization; and, for foreign recipients, a copy of the residency permit (the expiration date of the permit must be after that of the project completion date) are to be forwarded to the MOC which, after confirming that the information provided is correct, will remit ten (10) percent of the award money.
2. Second stage: Within one month of receiving notification from the MOC, a receipt for second-stage payment and a revised plan (including a chart comparing the original to the revised plan) are to be forwarded to the MOC which, after confirming that the information provided is correct, will remit twenty (20) percent of the award money.
3. Third stage: Where work completed at this point equals or exceeds one half of that contracted, a progress report (including its electronic file) and a receipt for third-stage payment are to be remitted to the MOC which, after confirming that the information provided is correct, will remit forty (40) percent of the award money.
4. Fourth stage: Where all work has been completed at this point, a final report (including its electronic file) and a receipt for fourth-stage payment are to be remitted to the MOC by October 31 of the year after cooperation began. The final thirty (30) percent of the award money will be remitted after these documents have been reviewed and approved of by the MOC.
VII. Application period and procedure:
1. Applications are to be submitted online to . During the application period, applicants are to fill out the online application and upload a 3 to  5 minute video introducing their project. The application system will be available from July 26, 2017 at 12:00 p.m. (Taiwan time) through September 11, 2017 at 5 p.m.
2. After uploading requested information, please print out, sign, and mail one copy of the application by the deadline (date determined by postmark) to: Ministry of Culture Department of Cultural Resources, 13F, South Building, 439 Zhongping Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City. Please mark envelopes “Youth Village Culture Development Project”.
VIII. While projects are being implemented< the following shall apply:
1. Instructors
a. Accept visits by the MOC and/or an MOC-appointed instructor. whether personally or through a designee, produce work reports and provide to the MOC related information; and participate in discussion meetings or exchange activities arranged by the MOC. Awardees are to hold regular meetings to review progress and inform both the instructor and the MOC of said meetings in advance, such that the latter may dispatch personnel to attend.
b. Reports of visits made by the instructor will be important evidence of project progress used in determining the release of funds and efficiency.
2. Reviews and withdrawal:
a. Awardees are to cooperate with MOC requests concerning research or policy analysis, and fill out and submit related forms accurately and provide related information on achievements.
b. Applicants are not to provide false documentation or information. Where awardees are later found to have provided false information/documentation, the MOC will annul the award and the recipient shall unconditionally return funding already received to the MOC.
c. Plans are to be completed in the timeframe and manner listed in the original plan. No applications for change to the timeframe or content may be made except where the MOC-appointed instructor or guidance committee member(s) deems such alterations necessary. However, where the awardee is unable to complete the project according to schedule due to force majeure or another reason not attributable to the awardee, the awardee is to apply with the MOC beforehand to extend or otherwise change its original plan. The awardee may execute said revised plan upon approval by the MOC. Where awardees do not abide by this regulation, the MOC will determine whether to repeal or annul the award depending on the severity of the infraction.
d. Awardees are to guarantee that they will execute and complete their plan. Where awardees do not complete their plans according to schedule and in the manner set forth, where execution differs greatly from the plan, where the execution is found to be lacking, where information or progress reports have not been provided as prescribed, where the content of reports presented is fraudulent, or where these Directions have been violated, the MOC will set a deadline for rectification to be made. Where rectification is not made, and depending on the severity of the offense, the MOC may halt the plan’s execution and reappraise the award amount, or annul the award and demand the return of funding already remitted. Where awardees withdraw from participation without reason, they are to return to the MOC, unconditionally, funding already received.
IX. Economic rights:
Awardees shall grant to the MOC, and/or the organization designated by the MOC to hold, without compensation, the non-exclusive economic rights appertaining to their projects, including project reports, photographs, audiovisual materials (including video recordings, micro-films, musical creations, documentaries, etc.), publications (magazines, community newspapers, cultural/historical surveys, picture books, notebooks, etc.) promotional materials, scripts, written records, survey reports, explanatory notes, and other related material. The MOC shall be authorized to use, at any time and place, and any number of times it so deems, the aforementioned content in not-for-profit promotional efforts to highlight achievements. Where awardees utilize the copyrighted works of a third party, awardees are to obtain a copyright authorization beforehand and submit said authorization to the MOC for its records. Awardees are also to agree that they shall not attempt to assert moral rights to the content to the MOC or its designee.
X. Miscellaneous
1. Awardees are to upload their promotional videos to YouTube as well as to the official activity website.
2. The MOC will act in accordance with the nation’s tax laws in reporting or withholding taxes from funding.
3. Promotional materials used during the execution of the plan (including information conveyed via new media, invitations, posters, and other published materials) shall clearly acknowledge the Ministry of Culture as the sponsoring or award-granting agency. The MOC-appointed instructor and the MOC are to be given three weeks’ advance notice of promotional events, press conferences, and opening and closing ceremonies.
4. Awardees are to purchase accident insurance to ensure the safety of individuals participating in events held during the execution of the plan.
5. At the close of the project, awardees are to upload electronic files of their reports, photographs, audiovisual materials, and publications to the database specified by the MOC. Acceptable file formats will be announced separately.
6. To prevent multiple awards being given by the government for the same project, a plan (or a similar plan) that has already been granted an award by the MOC or its subsidiaries, the National Culture and Arts Foundation, the National Performing Arts Center, or central government agencies shall not be eligible to receive this award. Where an award has been approved and it is found that the plan has been granted multiple awards, the MOC will annul the award and demand the return of funding remitted.
XI. These Directions are to be implemented in line with related laws and regulations.
Data Source:Ministry of Culture Laws and Regulations Retrieving System