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Ministry of Culture
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

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Title: Operation Directions for Selecting Writers-in-Residence of Taiwan Literature Base of National Museum of Taiwan Literature Ch
Date: 2024.03.26
Legislative: 1.Announced on Jul. 3rd,2020
2.Amended on Mar. 26th,2024
Content: 1.    The following operation directions are established with the purposes of promoting Taiwan literature and cultural creativity and of advancing international literary exchange.
2.    Organizer: National Museum of Taiwan Literature (NMTL)
3.    Qualified applicants shall:
3.1.    be a natural person 18 years old or over;
3.2.    be able to communicate in one of Taiwan’s nationally spoken languages or English
3.3.    not have been accepted for an NMTL residency during the prior two years; and
3.4.    be a creative working in literary media, e.g., novels, essays, poetry, scriptwriting (stage, television, film), translation, non-fiction, other literary forms.
4.    Location of Residency: NMTL Taiwan Literature Base (No. 2, Lane 53, Qidong Street, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City)
5.    Residency Openings: 6 per year (minimum)
6.    Selection: The residency candidate selection process is held regularly once each year, with relevant dates and times announced in advance.
7.    Residency: Period of residency (7~30 days) shall be proposed by each candidate in their residency proposal.
8.    How to Apply:
8.1.    All applications must be submitted online.
8.2.    Complete the application form attached to the current announcement posted to the official webpage, and submit it along with attachments by the deadline to the designated online registration webpage.
8.3.    Applications that are incomplete, received after the deadline, or not in compliance with program rules / requirements shall not be considered.
9.    Candidate Selection:
9.1.    NMTL will convene a selection committee of related experts and scholars on which the NMTL Director shall serve as both convener and chairperson. The composition of this committee shall follow the government’s “one-third rule”, i.e., neither sex shall account for less than one-third of the committee’s membership.
9.2.    The selection committee shall hold meetings as needed, with the convener regularly serving as chairperson. In their absence, the convener shall designate another committee member as acting chairperson.
9.3.     Selection Procedure: Preliminary & Secondary Review
9.3.1.    Preliminary review: NMTL will conduct an initial review of each applicant’s qualifications and submitted written information.
9.3.2.    Secondary review: The selection committee will conduct the secondary review in accordance with the relevant rules and requirements included in the current selection guidelines.
9.3.3.    Upon NMTL Director approval, the selection results will be publicly posted and the successful candidates will be individually notified. Candidates who are not selected will not otherwise be notified. The names of selection committee members will also be publicly posted.
9.4.    Committee members to which the provisions of Article 32 and Article 33 of the Administrative Procedure Act apply shall recuse themselves. All committee members shall respect and preserve the confidentiality of meeting proceedings.
10.    Residency:
10.1.    Accommodations: Successful candidates may reside free of charge in a single Japanese-style dormitory house on the Taiwan Literature Base campus. Dormitory house accommodations include a small parlor room, study, bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen.
10.2.    Residency Activity: Successful candidates must move into their assigned accommodations in accordance with their residency planning schedule and are expected during their period of residency to hold at least one weekend (Saturday or Sunday) writer-in-residence exchange, sharing, or other activity for readers each week at the Taiwan Literature Base.
10.3.    Final Report: Within five days of completing their residency period, successful candidates must submit a final report that reflects and addresses the themes / goals / intentions included in their residency proposal.
11.    Precautions:
11.1.    Selected candidates must sign a residency contract with NMTL no later than their move-in date. If circumstances cause a candidate to be unable to accept their residency or to meet the schedule given, they should request NMTL in advance to approve a change in plan. Failing to submit a request will result in a forfeit of the candidate’s rights with no right of objection.
11.2.    Selected candidates who move in and have submitted their personal residency planning schedule prior to their move-in but fail to finish at least two-thirds of their scheduled residency period shall have their residency qualifications cancelled.
11.3.    Selected candidates must participate in / cooperate with related NMTL promotion activities and accept interview and photography requests related to residency activities. 
11.4.    During their period of residency, selected candidates shall be responsible for the cleanliness and maintenance of their dormitory houses. Lighting fires and smoking on the Taiwan Literature Base campus are strictly prohibited. Pets (excepting service dogs) may not be brought into dormitory houses.
11.5.    Selected candidates shall guarantee that all creative works and project proposals submitted to NMTL do not infringe upon the rights of any third party. Any infringement shall be the sole responsibility of the responsible candidate. Furthermore, if said infringement results in NMTL becoming subject to damage and/or joint and several liability, the responsible candidate shall be solely responsible for all related compensation and damage.
11.6.    Selected candidates may not concurrently participate in the residency program of any other agency or organization.
11.7.    Selected candidates found in violation of the operation directions, the terms and conditions of their contract, relevant laws, administrative orders, public order, or general morals or to have damaged the reputation of NMTL shall, based on the severity of infringement, have their selection status revoked or abolished.
11.8.    NMTL reserves the right to revise the content of the operation directions and holds the right of final interpretation in the event of perceived discrepancies.
11.9.    Any issue not specifically addressed in this document shall be governed under relevant laws and contract terms.
Data Source:Ministry of Culture Laws and Regulations Retrieving System