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Title: Ministry of Culture Directions for Cultural Exchanges and Collaborative Projects between (the Regions of) South East Asia and Taiwan Ch
Date: 2021.03.15
Legislative: 1.Decree No. Wen-Jiao-Zi 10220258702 of 5 August 2013
2.Amended Decree No. Wen-Jiao-Zi 10430116481 of 12 May 2015
3.Amended Decree No. Wen-Jiao-Zi 10620140502 of 3 May 2017
4.Amended Decree No. Wen-Jiao-Zi 10820427652 of 13 November 2019
5.Amended Decree No. Wen-Jiao-Zi 10920143732 of 5 May 2020
Content: 1. The Ministry of Culture (“Ministry”) has formulated these Directions in order to expand the international perspective of Taiwan’s civil society, enhance Taiwanese people’s understanding of Southeast Asian culture, history, and social development, and strengthen two-way exchange.

2. The Southeast Asian countries referred to in these Directions are Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and Timor-Leste.

3. Eligible applicants: Public and private colleges and universities, academic institutions, legal persons, or non-governmental organizations registered or established in accordance with Taiwanese law.

4. An application must meet these requirements
(1) The person recommended for invitation must have the following qualifications:
I. Hold the nationality of a Southeast Asian country, no longer being required to perform military service, and enjoying unrestricted exit rights under the law of their country.
II. By the end of the application period under these Directions, they have been engaged in the activities listed in Article 2 for more than three years, and have specific achievements and results.
III. They have not worked or studied in Taiwan during the year preceding the application.
(2) The application for cultural exchange and cooperation in Taiwan relates to curation, performance, creation, writing, community building, cultural asset preservation, restoration, internship, field investigation and records, research, interviews, reporting, workshops, filming, civil society related activities or cooperation, etc.
(3) The period of exchange and cooperation in Taiwan must not exceed six months.

5. Subsidy types, amounts, and eligible items
(1) Subsidy types:
I. Visits to Taiwan for cultural exchange and cooperation.
II. Dissemination of previous exchange outcomes: Only type-1 and type-3 projects are eligible, and they cannot take place in the same year [as the original project]. They are also limited to outbound performance tours to participate by invitation in major or international festivals and exhibitions in Southeast Asian countries.
III. Two-way exchange and cooperation: Promote bilateral or multilateral cultural exchange and cooperation in Taiwan and Southeast Asia. Applicants for this type of subsidy mustorganize bilateral or multilateral cultural exchange and cooperation events in their own country or in two or more countries, and one of the events venues must be in Taiwan.
(2) Subsidy amounts and eligible items
I. Subsidy amounts:
(i) Cultural exchange and cooperation in Taiwan: The maximum subsidy per application is TWD 500,000;
(ii) Dissemination of exchange results: The maximum subsidy per application is TWD 500,000.
(iii) Two-way communication and cooperation: The maximum subsidy per application is TWD 1 million.
II. Eligible subsidy items include the following expenses incurred during the exchange and cooperation period:
(i) Transportation: This includes the cost of air tickets to and from the accommodation of the persons invited to visit Taiwan (economy class tickets only),
domestic public transportation over land (between airport and accommodation), and visa costs.
(ii) Insurance: During the exchange and cooperation period, applicants may take out, as needed, travel insurance to a maximum insured amount of TWD 4 million.
(iii) Accommodation: The daily limit is TWD 1,800; disbursement based on actual expenses made.
(iv) Creation (applicants must bear income taxes by themselves).
(v) Living expenses: Up to TWD 600 per day; disbursement based on actual expenses made.
(vi) n as far as directly related to the execution of the projects: ROC nationals’ plane tickets, transport of works, insurance, exhibition fees, publicity materials,
translation fees, outcomes presentations, promotion and marketing fees, and other related expenses approved by this Ministry. It does not include regular
personnel cost, hardware construction, equipment and devices, etc.

6. Application schedule and method
(1) Each year, the Ministry announces the application period and execution period.
(2) Two application process comprises an online application stage and a hardcopy material delivery stage.
I. Submit online application
(i) Go the grants website of the Ministry of Culture and compete the online form.
(ii) Upload application package: application form, project plan, proof of eligibility, other attachments.
II. Send hardcopy materials
(i) Signed application form.
(ii) Project plan.
(iii) Proof of eligibility.
(iv) Other attachments.
(3) Delivery method: The applicant must deliver, in person, through an entrusted person, or by registered mail, the documents required for the application specified in Article 7 to the Cultural Exchange Department of this Ministry by the deadline set forth in the preceding paragraph. The front of the envelope must indicate “Application for subsidies for cultural exchange and cooperation between Southeast Asia and Taiwan in year XXXX”. The date of receipt is: date postmark in case of submission by mail; date of receipt stamp in case of submission in person. Late submissions will not be considered.

7. Documents required for the application
The application file must comprise one copy of each of the following documents, on numbered, portrait-style, A4-sized sheets printed on both sides:
(1) Project plan, completed in the format required by the Ministry, as announced.
(2) The project plan must include:
I. Plan for cultural exchange and cooperation in Taiwan:
(i) Applicant's registration certificate and statement of operational status.
(ii) Materials describing/depicting the outcomes of the applicant’s cultural exchange activities in the past three years, such as audiovisual and written reports,
photographs, posters, media reports, records of handling foreign cultural personnel exchange in Taiwan, and profiles of the foreign cultural staff involved.
(iii) A Letter of Intent indicating that the invited person wishes to visit Taiwan to (must be signed by the invited person and contain accurate contact information), proof of nationality of a Southeast Asian country, resume, records of artistic or cultural creation, performances, curation, restoration, or preservation work done over the past three years that would not be in violation of the first paragraph of Article 4 and in compliance with the second paragraph of Article 4, professional
certifications, outcome reports, award records, lists of written works created, and content summaries.
(iv) Recommendation letters for the invited persons, selection methods, and description of reasons.
(v) Project description: Describes in detail the itinerary in Taiwan, purpose, content of exchange and cooperation, expected benefits, plans for publication of outcomes
created in Taiwan, and detailed description of accommodation in Taiwan.
(vi) Execution table.
(vii) Budget table.
(viii) Affidavit.
II. Plan for dissemination of previous exchange outcomes:
(i) Invitation letter and brief introduction from the organizer of the dissemination event in a Southeast Asian country.
(ii) Detailed description and documentary proof of the name of the person(s) traveling overseas, proof of nationality, resumes, specific achievements, outcomes, roles and contributions under the project plan relating to events held over the past three years in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 4.
(iii) Project description: Describes in detail the itinerary, purpose, content of the dissemination project, special characteristics (presence of Taiwanese elements), expected benefits (qualitative and quantitative indicators), types, and event locations.
(iv) Promotion and marketing methods.
(v) Budget table.
(vi) Affidavit.
II. Two-way communication and cooperation project: Handled in accordance with the provisions of the previous two items.

8. Evaluation and assessment
(1) The Ministry may appoint experts and scholars to form a review panel to review the applicants’ expertise and experience, importance, specialization, effectiveness, feasibility, reasonableness of the subsidy requested, need for subsidy, etc. They will draw up a list of subsidy recipients and amounts, and the Ministry takes the final decision on those.
(2) The review panel may pass resolutions when more than two-thirds of its members are present, and recommendations can be made with the approval of more than one-half of the attending panel members. When reviewing the applications, the review panel must adhere to the principle of avoidance of conflicts of interest and implement the review in a fair manner. If any of the circumstances specified in Article 32 and Article 33 of the Code of Administrative Procedure arises, the review panel member must recuse him/herself.
(3) Applications are reviewed and awarded subsidies in accordance with Article 1. After the results of the review have been reported to the Minister for approval, a list of review panel members and review outcomes (including the names of the applicants, projects, and subsidy amounts) is published on the Ministry’s grants website, along with the review outcome letters and recipients.
(4) In accordance with Article 1, before joining the review panel, the scholars and experts must complete a consent form to indicate their agreement that, after the Ministry has completed the review meeting process ad approved the meeting minutes, their names will be published through a list of review panel members.
(5) The Ministry may from time to time conduct site visits or assessments to understand the actual execution of the subsidized projects or request project progress reports. The subsidy recipients must act in accordance with the Ministry’s assessment opinions.

9. Instalments and final disbursement
(1) The subsidies are paid in two installments. The first installment, 50% of the subsidy amount, is disbursed within thirty (30) days after the Ministry has approved the contract and the receipts of the first stage. The second instalment, the remaining 50% of the subsidy amount, is disbursed within forty-five (45) days after the Ministry has approved the documents and materials required in the second stage, except when the subsidy is less than TWD 300,000.
(2) The subsidy recipient must, within one month after the execution of the project (or before 30 November of the current year, in the case of written consent from the Ministry to extend the disbursement period) submit the receipts, actual expense specifications, and original proofs of payment. (For transportation, the travel agency’s transfer receipts, plane ticket stubs, and related original documents must be submitted; for medical insurance, the payment receipts and original documents must be submitted; for creation, receipts signed by the invited person must be submitted.) A hardcopy outcomes report must be delivered to the Ministry. In the case of late or incomplete submissions, the Ministry may revoke the recipient's eligibility for the subsidy and terminate the contract, in which case the first installment must be returned within a time limit to be set by the Ministry.
(3) The subsidy must be verified against the budget items, and the dates of the original documentary evidence (invoices, receipts) must be consistent with the execution period.
(4) When submitting outcomes materials for verification, mass media reports, publicity materials, and website construction certificates must be attached by way of supporting evidence. If not attached, the Ministry may deduct the budgeted promotion expenses from the list of final disbursements.
10. Rights and obligations
(1) Subsidy recipients must actively assist the invited persons with their visa applications for Taiwan, and make arrangements for assisting them with their exchange, creation, and accommodation during their stay in Taiwan.
(2) The Ministry may require the subsidy recipients and invited persons to cooperate with media interviews, participate in cultural events, etc., and cooperate with the Ministry's website or other communication channels to market, introduce, and promote the concept and outcomes of the project concerned.
11. Points of attention
(1) The subsidy recipient must sign the contract with the Ministry within fifteen (15) days after receiving notification from the Ministry. If the contract is not signed within the time limit, the Ministry may revoke the subsidy recipient’s eligibility. The Ministry will draw up this contract.
(2) When it is necessary to change the subsidized project as approved by this Ministry or it cannot be performed for any reason, this must be reported to this Ministry in advance for consent.
(3) The subsidy must be used for the designated purpose only. If the expenditure items fall under personal income, the recipient must handle the income tax payment in accordance with Taiwan’s Income Tax Act.
(4) If the subsidy recipient fails to submit outcome materials, or those are poor, causing delay in the final settlement, the Ministry will handle the matter in accordance with these Directions, and will keep the matter on file as an important reference for future subsidy reviews.
(5) Based on the principle of avoiding duplication of subsidies, those who have already received other subsidies from the Ministry or its subsidiary agencies. Recipients of subsidies from the National Culture and Arts Foundation and the National Performing Arts Center cannot apply for subsidies under these Directions. Submissions already made will not be accepted.
(6) If an applicant has previously been awarded a subsidy by this Ministry and could not perform the contract and the circumstances were serious, their application will not be considered.
(7) Applicants may submit more than one application within an application year. However, the number of subsidies awarded to one applicant will not exceed three.
(8) If a person has been invited by the same or different applicants and has received project subsidies for two consecutive years, no further subsidies will be awarded from the third year onward.
(9) If an invited person must withdraw or stay away from their accommodation for a long time (more than seven days) for special reasons, the subsidy recipient must report the matter in writing to the Ministry. Only after the Ministry’s consent may the invited person withdraw or leave their accommodation, and the subsidy items for cost of living and accommodation will be deducted pro rata. In the case of violation, the Ministry may terminate or rescind the subsidy.
(10) The subsidy recipient must ensure that works submitted to the Ministry do not infringe the rights and interests of third parties. The subsidy recipient will be liable for any such infringements and for any damage that the Ministry may suffer as a result.
(11) If a recipient of the subsidy violates these Directions, the subsidy contract, or other laws and regulations, the Ministry may recover part or all of the subsidy disbursed in accordance with the seriousness of the circumstances, and will not consider their application for the next two years.
(12) A subsidy recipient who has a positive balance at the end of the case must pay back the subsidy pro rata. Interest accrued from the use of the subsidy by the recipient must be paid back in full.
(13) When applying for subsidies to two or more agencies for the same case, the full budget and all the subsidy items and amounts sought must be disclosed to each agency. In the event of any concealment or falsehood, the Ministry will rescind the subsidy and recover the disbursed payments.
(14) If the subsidy involves procurement, matters must be handled in accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as the Government Procurement Act.
(15) When settling the accounts for the subsidy, the attached proofs of payment must follow the Management Guidelines for The Government Disposal of Expenditure Vouchers, and the purpose and amount of each expenditure must be listed in detail. If a case is subsidized by two or more agencies, the actual subsidy amounts of each agency must be listed.
(16) When applying for disbursement, the subsidy recipient is liable for the truthfulness and authenticity of the payment evidence provided in accordance with the principle of good faith.
(17) In the case of poor results of a subsidized project, failure to use the subsidy in accordance with its purpose, or false or inaccurate reporting, the subsidy may have to be paid back in part, and the Ministry may suspend subsidizing cases from this applicant for one (1) to five (5) years.
(18) The cultural backgrounds of Southeast Asian countries are complex, and their national security, political and economic conditions, and folk customs may be very different. Subsidy recipients must be aware of the social and cultural contexts of the countries they are visiting for exchange, protect their own safety, comply with local laws and regulations, and avoid breaking cultural taboos or going to dangerous areas.

12. Any matters in these Directions that are unclear or unforeseen are interpreted by the Ministry.