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Ministry of Culture
Laws and Regulations Retrieving System

Print Time:113.09.27 19:23


Title: The Organization Act of the National Museum of Taiwan Literature Ch
Date: 2021.05.26
Legislative: Promulgated by President Order Hua-Zong-1-Zi-11000048881 on May 26, 2021
Content: Article 1
The National Museum of Taiwan Literature (hereinafter the “Museum”) is established by the Ministry of Culture for conducting the research, collection, exhibition and promotion of Taiwan literature.

Article 2
The Museum shall be responsible for the following matters:
  1. The acquisition, investigation, research, translation, compiling and publication of Taiwan literature works.
  2. The collection, organization, registration, repair, preservation and digital application of Taiwan literature relics.
  3. The planning, production, guided tour and maintenance of Taiwan literature exhibitions.
  4. The marketing of Taiwan literature, the handling of literature prizes, and the optimization of creative environments and public services.
  5. The fostering of talents in Taiwan literature, the facilitation of learning and the cooperation and exchange with other domestic and overseas museum institutions.
  6. Other matters related to the promotion of Taiwan literature.

Article 3
The Museum shall have one (1) Director, whose position shall be at the twelfth to thirteenth grade senior-level civil servant, and may be hired in the same manner as a principal or a professor of a junior college or higher if necessary; and one (1) Vice-Director, whose position shall be at the eleventh grade senior-level civil servant, and may be hired in the same manner as an assistant professor if necessary.

Article 4
The official titles, grade levels and numbers of the staff at the Museum shall be separately set out by an organization chart.

Article 5
The implementation date of this Act shall be determined by order of the Executive Yuan.
Data Source:Ministry of Culture Laws and Regulations Retrieving System